Originally Posted By: Dignan
Like Glenn said. Print preference defaults are not set through print dialogs in applications, they're set through the list of printers in Windows.

Start > Run > "control printers"
That takes me to the same dialog I get to any time I click on the "Print Options" button in any application. In other words, I go to print an Excel file and I know it is going to call for "Manual Tray 1" so before I click "OK" to print the file I click "Options" in order to set the tray selection to "Automatic".

I am calling up the PCL6 dialog box from my application in order to set up the printer. The frustrating part is, the default is "Automatic", because the "Reset" button in the PCL6 dialog is lit up ready to click and when I click it, it does reset the tray selection properly. However, this change to the correct default will be in effect only until I close the file. After that, if I open the file again, it will be back to "Manual Tray 1".

And, if I open an older file, one created before this problem began plaguing me, the tray select default will be correct, i.e., "Automatic".

Something in MS Word, Excel, Acrobat, and no doubt a few other programs, is telling PCL6 to change the tray selection for the particular print job to "Manual Tray 1" instead of the default "Automatic". Below is a screen shot of what my "Options" screen looks like. If I click that "Reset" button, it will change it to the default setting of "Automatic" for the paper source.

A reading of the PCL6 help file (about 50 pages) has little useful information about this, other than to say in several places that the default paper source is "Automatic". The "General Everyday Printing" is used by default from every application unless I specify a different shortcut.



Edited by tanstaafl. (03/04/2012 18:21)
Edit Reason: Forgot to attach picture. Doh!
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